Older women on the other hand are targeted by hair loss when they go through the natural process of menopause. Hair loss in women is in a diffuse manner which predominantly begins at the top or crown area. Diffuse hair loss is generally caused by hereditary but it can also be caused by underlying medical conditions like anemia, thyroid disease, and lupus.
Hereditary or genetic baldness in women, also called female pattern hair loss can be inherited either from the mother’s or father’s prevent hair lossside of the family. It is basically caused by the action of the 5-alpha reductase enzyme. Women also have the male hormone testosterone in their body but in lesser levels and the 5-alpha reductase enzyme convert the hormone testosterone which turns it into a much stronger hormone dihydrotestosterone or DHT. Female hair loss remedy for hair loss in women that is caused by DHT is typically an inhibitor of the chemical (DHT).
Most reputable hair care experts suggest to their female patients to get a product that has natural ingredients like the saw palmetto extracts. Women with pattern hair loss are also mandated to have a daily intake of the B vitamins, particularly vitamin B6 and Biotin as these two are very essential in both retaining and regrowing the hair. Almost all products we see in pharmacies are containing an herb called saw palmetto. This herbal plant is perceived to work effectively in blocking DHT formation in the scalp and hence a potent anti androgen. Herbal preparations nowadays are highly recognized by well known hair restoration specialists as potent and accurate female hair loss remedy.